Dapoer kita

Serving Indonesian Food with quality since 2012

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According to CNN’s World Food Survey, among the world’s top favourite dishes are :  Rendang, Nasi Goreng and Satay.


Rendang is a fresh beef chunkscooked in coconut milk. The cooking processes involved long time of meat that is slow cooked in coconut milk or santan with chilly, onion, ginger, turmeric, galangga and lemon grass

2. Ayam goreng kremes

Fried Chicken with crispy mixture of eggs, flour, ginger and some other ingridients that when you eat it give sensation of not only crispy taste but also strong ingredients.


Gulai kikil is popular name of beef feet curry, this meal is another secondary favorite of padang food after rendang, it is plain tendon beef feet and inner skin that is cooked in coconut milk curry style.


Ayam gulai or chicken coconut milk curry is one of the most selling after ayam cremes, the cooking process is simply coconut milk curry with onion, red chilly, cinger, turmeric and Other ingridients slowly cooked.


Mie bakso or beef ball noodle soup is noddle soup that served with beef ball that is purely minced meat processed to fine mesh meat and with various dressing such as vermeceli, springs onion, minced salary and fried sliced onion.


Ayam penyet known as fried chicken pressed with very spicy chilly on top, the chicken is marinated and served with sambal or chilly sauce it self, where all the spices such as onion, garlic, tomatoes, red spicy chilly is mixed together and layered  over the top of the chicken

7. nasi goreng AYAM

Nasi goreng or fried rice is one of the most known indonesian food in the world, fried rice dapoerkita is authentic indonesian fried rice served with eggs and satay to give more variety of indonesian experience.

8. satay ayam

Satay ayam or chicken diced grilled in a bamboo skewer is another well known common street food, its popularized by majority of madura province throughout Indonesia. The satay commonly served with diced steamed rice or lontong.


Martabak telur is an egg omlete wrapped with flour dough prepared like paratha. However the ingridients of omelet is mixture of Asian style such as minced meat, spring onion, and other spices where it served normally with palm sugar and vinegar with chilly.


Martabak manis or sweet pancake is considered desert, it is similar with regular pancake with half moon shape and larger diameter, however it is one to one half thick and slow cooked with margarine, peanut, condensed milk and cheese or peanuts filled.


Celina Antares
Celina Antares
Indonesia tested 👌👌👌
DA Lestari
DA Lestari
The food tastes are above average and closer to the excellent taste however Tahu Gejrot is the best one for the vegetarians spicy lover, you can also request not spicy. They really have concerns regarding allergens and dietary requirements and you can see from the menu directly. The price is still affordable for me compared to other Indonesian restaurants, it values the portion and the satisfaction you get especially in terms of delivery timeliness
Abdulkarim Rashid
Abdulkarim Rashid
Amazing delicious food 😋
Muhammed Shamshad
Muhammed Shamshad

Our Story

Dapoer Kita (Indonesian for “Our Kitchen”) opened on 1st July 2012. Inspired by the lack of authentic Indonesian cuisine, Shinett Turalaky bought her love of the culinary arts to the city.

In December 2017, Shinett’s journey took a change of course when she had to head back to Indonesia.  Stepping into her shoes, new owner Eva Sabir, took the baton and now continues this culinary journey – with so much more to offer.

The New Dapoer Kita restaurant promises the best Indonesian Food from the Indonesian Islands!  See detail about us


DAILY: 11AM -10PM except friday open 1:45PM

Address: Makani no 28886 92510

Sheikh Mohamed Bld II No. 3-4

43A Street Al Karama, Dubai, UAE


Phone: +971 – 04 379 5501 or WA 0504539991

Mail :[email protected]

PO BOX 62039, Dubai – UAE

UAE VAT TRN Number 100006375800003


Here is our composition of the recipes Ayam goreng kremes Ayam Kremes 1 whole Chicken (Frozen 900 gram)5 garlic100 gram ginger50 gram Tumeric Prepare all ingridient in a blender to finesubmerged all chicken into the ingredients for 15 minutes deep fry them Nasi Goreng...

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